Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter from Colombia

Happy Easter! We miss everyone so much, however it is wonderful spending the first Easter with our daughter. This morning after breakfast, we gave Sofia the Easter present from Grandma and Grandpa (crayons and Easter coloring books) and colored for awhile. Then we got dressed up and tried to attend mass. It was so packed, we couldn't even get in the door (and we thought we arrived early). The 3 of us had maybe an hour of combined sleep last night, so I'm not sure Sofia would have been able to sit through the entire mass anyway. I felt fine after a few cups of strong Colombian coffee, but Sofia was a bit irritable. Instead we walked to the park behind the church and took a couple pictures, since we were already dressed up anyway. We are listening to some cool thunderstorms now while Sofia naps. Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter.


  1. HAPPY EASTER!! Sofia looks beautiful in her pretty spring dress. Take care!

  2. Happy Easter Crowley's! Hang in there you guys with the bed/sleep thing. It'll get better and once she is in more of schedule she will be a
    "new" little sleeper. It really is amazing on how toddlers thrive on routine.

    You all look great(sleep or no sleep)and Sofia looks lovely in yellow! :)
